Gamification at the Gym

I had a realization today. It was at the gym. I’ve never been good at working out. I liked the idea of it but I was never consistent, until about two years ago, and I finally figured out why – gamification and positive reinforcement. 

I began frequenting the gym on a consistent basis around 2016 when my husband suggested I mark on a calendar on the days I went to the gym. It became a ritual. Each day I would earn my mark for the day and start earning a certain number each week. This turned into each week, month and year. It’s consistent enough now that I can say I go to the gym at least 50% of all 365 days in a year and I’m going on three years now. At first it was just going to the gym and doing my own workout but then I found classes. Earning a mark on the calendar got me to the gym but classes transformed me through gamification. 

I didn’t notice at first but I slowly started to become fitter by attending classes. I could run faster and for longer, lift heavier and row harder. The classes I attend utilize visual statistics, goals and achievements to motivate people. Run a faster mile? Burn more calories than usual? Tracking the stats made me push harder. While this may not be gamification in a traditional sense, seeing the little lightning bolt, flame symbols and colors motivated me more than in could have anticipated. I am impressed with this application. There is something here and I think it’s catching on. 

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