Job Search Tips

I’ve been asked quite few times recently how I obtained a job in Learning and Development before finishing my MA in Learning Design and Technology. So I decided to compile my list of ideas and resources to share with others!

1. Make sure your resume is ATS Compliant

Most employers use an Application Tracking System when they post a job to organize resumes. If your resume was created in InDesign, Canva or another similar tool it might cause problems for you. If your resume is not ATS compliant the computer system can’t read and pull information from your resume and it may not even be filtered into a pile for consideration. There are many ATS compliance checkers out there to choose from. I recommend running your resume through it before you start sending your resume out.

2. Word Clouds

While compiling my resume I wanted to know what types of skills employers are looking for and if those skills aligned with my skills. In order to do this I pulled up about ten job postings that I was interested in, copied the job descriptions/desired skills and pasted them into a word cloud generator. The result was a word cloud that emphasized the skills that were the most sought after by making them bigger. I knew if I had the larger skills I needed to focus on highlighting them in my resume and cover letter. This goes back to ATS compliance – ATS systems will look for specific terminology. This does not mean you should list skills you do not have, though.

3. Portfolio and work samples

My current manager told me that a huge determining factor in choosing me over other candidates was the fact that I had a portfolio and work samples. She loved seeing the link to my portfolio website right on my resume and being able to delve into my work. Make sure you’re keeping a portfolio and showing off your work. This also allows you to demonstrate your design skills. On a side note, I did some freelance work on the side while in the LDT program which helped fill my portfolio with rich and relevant content.


Lastly, don’t give up! Keep applying. Cast a wide net and you will eventually find a job. If you have many interviews listen to the types of questions they’re asking and request feedback as well.

I hope some of these ideas work for you and let me know in the comments if you have additional ideas to add!

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